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Stop smoking

  • NHS Quit smoking

    Quitting is much easier when you get the right support and there are lots of options to choose from. Check out their advice, tools and tips.

    Local stop smoking services are free, friendly and can massively boost your chances of quitting for good.

    These services staffed by expert advisers provide a range of proven methods to help you quit.

    NHS: Quit smoking

  • Stop Smoking Manchester

    Manchester Stop Smoking Service provides free NHS support to help you quit smoking. Support is available from trained professional advisor at a number of venues across the city including pharmacies, GP practices, community centres, local markets etc. The service is open to anyone who lives or works in Manchester.

    070 3167 0366

    Stop smoking Manchester


  • University Hospital of South Manchester Smoking Cessation Clinic

    The UHSM Smoking Cessation Nurse is here to support anyone who wishes to give up smoking.

    0161 291 5030

    NHS: University Hospital of South Manchester Smoking Cessation Clinic
