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Appointment lateness policy

We always do our best to try to see patients in a timely fashion. However this is unfortunately increasingly difficult as patients become more complex.

Most of our patients present with at least two or three problems which can rarely be dealt with in 15 minutes. We do our best to give each patient the time we feel they need and this often leads us to run late despite building in some catch up slots to our clinics.

Please help us by allowing plenty of time so that you arrive for your appointment on time.

We know it can be frustrating when you arrive on time and you have to wait a long time for your appointment. Please be patient with us. Perhaps one day you will also benefit from being given extra time when you need it.

Arriving late for an appointment makes clinicians run even later with a knock on effect on other patients.

With the above in mind, our policy is:

  • If a patient is late less than 5 minutes for an appointment, they will be seen.
  • If a patient is late between 5-10 minutes the patient may be asked to rebook or wait until the end of surgery to be seen.
    The receptionist may need to speak to the clinician first to see if they are able to accommodate patient.
  • Patients who arrive more than 10 minutes late for their appointment will be asked to reschedule their appointment.
    If patient insists that urgent, the Receptionist has to contact the clinician to decide if patient can be seen at the end of surgery or fitted in at a later time during the day.